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No voucher: [Large] upl_232420.jpg [583571] Approved=Yes
Submission by: Vitule, Jean Ricardo Simões on 2008-02-08
Photographed by: Vitule, Jean Ricardo Simões
Ictalurus punctatus
Standard Length: 620 mm
Locality: The local fish farmers began using this species in sport fish ponds (in Brazil named as pesque-pague = ‘fish-and-pay’) stimulating an increase in the number of such ponds. Unfortunately, the catfish ponds do not have any protective apparatus to avoid the escape of species, resulting in the invasion of this species into rivers.
Alien fish into the Atlantic Forest of South America is one of the richest and endangered ecosystems on the planet. Captured in to Guaraguaçu River, Paranguá, Paraná, BR.
Copyright©Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule, All Rights Reserved.

The All Catfish Species Inventory  ACSImageBase hosted at The Academy of Natural Sciences.