ACSI ->  Image base ->  Search: Photographer: Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha

[Original File 141 kb]   [Large]   Corumbataia britskii type LIRP 5884 Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha

[Original File 152 kb]   [Large]   Corumbataia custae type MZUSP 51222 Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha

[Original File 137 kb]   [Large]   Corumbataia custae type MZUSP 51222 Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha

[Original File 139 kb]   [Large]   Corumbataia custae type MZUSP 51222 Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha

[Original File 148 kb]   [Large]   Corumbataia tocantinens type MZUSP 51223 Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha

[Original File 151 kb]   [Large]   Corumbataia tocantinens type MZUSP 51223 Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha

[Original File 157 kb]   [Large]   Corumbataia tocantinens type MZUSP 51223 Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha

The All Catfish Species Inventory  ACSImageBase hosted at The Academy of Natural Sciences.