ACSI ->  Image base ->  Search: Auchenoglanis occidentalis
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[Original File 185 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.37-38 Allen, Mark

[Original File 179 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.37-38 Allen, Mark

[Original File 151 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.37-38 Allen, Mark

[Original File 168 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.37-38 Allen, Mark

[Original File 184 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.37-38 Allen, Mark

[Original File 145 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.37-38 Allen, Mark

[Original File 171 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.39 Allen, Mark

[Original File 147 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.39 Allen, Mark

[Original File 202 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.6.39 Allen, Mark

[Original File 901 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type BMNH 1906.9.8.69 Allen, Mark

[Original File 603 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type MNHN 1909-0425 Hautecoeur, Mélyne

[Original File 2358 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type MNHN 1909-0425 Hautecoeur, Mélyne

[Original File 2089 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type MNHN 1909-0425 Hautecoeur, Mélyne

[Original File 2024 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type MNHN 1909-0425 Hautecoeur, Mélyne

[Original File 1733 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type MNHN 1909-0426 Hautecoeur, Mélyne

[Original File 1959 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type MNHN 1909-0426 Hautecoeur, Mélyne

[Original File 384 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type MNHN 1909-0426 Hautecoeur, Mélyne

[Original File 1639 kb]   [Large]   Auchenoglanis occidentalis type MNHN 1909-0426 Hautecoeur, Mélyne

The All Catfish Species Inventory  ACSImageBase hosted at The Academy of Natural Sciences.